Advertise in the Bollettino

The Bollettino is published monthly to a readership of approximately 7,000, which includes ICF members, clergy, advertisers, and members of other religious/cultural organizations. Rates shown are for one monthly insertion.

Advertising Rates for ICF Branches

  • 2″ x 3 ½” (business card): $35 per month
  • 5″ x 6 ½” horiz. (1/4 page): $50 per month
    A savings of over $100!
  • Full color available: Additional 25%

Advertising Application Form for ICF Branches (PDF)

Advertising Rates for Other Businesses and Organizations

  • 2″ x 3 ½” (business card): $35 per month
  • 2 ½” x 5″ vert. or horiz.: $65 per month
  • 5″ x 6 ½” horiz. (1/4 page): $155 per month
  • 6 ½” x 10″ horiz. (1/2 page): $310 per month
  • 10″ x 13″ vert. (full page): $600 per month
  • Full color available: Additional 25%
  • A 10% discount is applied to ads running 3 or more issues

Advertising Application Form for Other Businesses and Organizations (PDF)

Deadline: The 1st of the month preceding publication month


Text and black and white line-art ads may be submitted via email or hard copy to the Bollettino office. Ads with photos or shaded graphics are best submitted via email. Please call (888) 423-1924 for more information. Full color ads can be placed on the back page of the Bollettino for an additional fee.

To place an ad in the Bollettino, for a complimentary copy, or for more information, contact the Bollettino editor at

The Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) is a family-oriented, non-profit fraternal organization dedicated to promoting activities that build faith and family spirit and bring men, women and children of all ages together. By joining a local branch, ICF members share their culture, heritage and religious beliefs. We believe that together we accomplish more than one can alone. We are active in various cultural events throughout the country, support our local parishes, and provide various charities with financial and other support.